Musaeus College Past Pupils Association of Canada
Welcome Members
Membership in Association shall be confined to only past pupils and former members of the Tutorial staff of Musaeus College, domiciled in Canada and US. Membership fee is CD$10.00 and will not be pro-rated. No membership fee will be charged from High School and University students. To become a member write to MCPPA of Canada.
The objectives of the Association are
– to promote loyalty to the Alma Mater
– to provide a forum where past pupils of the school can meet and greet each other in their adopted country and continue friendship and goodwill
– to provide a focal point where social and recreational activities can be organized within the Association
– to provide financial assistance to various charities by organizing fund raising events
– to promote loyalty to the Alma Mater
– to provide a forum where past pupils of the school can meet and greet each other in their adopted country and continue friendship and goodwill
– to provide a focal point where social and recreational activities can be organized within the Association
– to provide financial assistance to various charities by organizing fund raising events